Before Arrival
Important to
Read our Rules Completely
You will find requirements, limitations, restrictions
concerning access to the school's practice ranges.
Practice ranges are open and separate
from training ranges during scheduled training days.
Practice Range Days
Wednesday - Sunday
If we have no classes or students at 3 pm we will close at 3 pm.
GunPort reserves the right to close the range
at any time .
Closed Most Major Holidays
GunPort is a Private School
We are not a Membership
Found on the Menu-bar below the Calendar on the home page.
For Mobile-phone users look for the red menu-box at the very top of the page.
1 Defenders Way
Coden, AL. 36523-3218
Mobile Co. Hwy 188W
15 Mins. from Dauphin Island, AL.
1st time sign-up process
Background check
Pick-Up of Gun-transfers please call before arrival
If UPS or FedEx miss a deliver because we're closed,
don't worry they will deliver by Wed or Thur.